Chainlink Data Streams have officially launched on mainnet. Sign up for early access.


Managing CL Functions Subscriptions

The Chainlink Functions frontend is available here. The Functions frontend lets you create a subscription, add consumers to it, remove consumers from it, fund it with LINK, and delete it.

When you connect to the frontend, choose the correct network, then click on connect wallet.


Create a subscription

  1. Open the landing page and click on Create Subscription:

    Chainlink Functions subscription landing page
  2. You are asked to provide an optional email address and subscription name:

    Chainlink Functions create subscription
  3. The first time that you interact with the frontend using your EOA, you have to approve the Terms of Service (ToS):

    Chainlink Functions sign message ToS Chainlink Functions sign message ToS Metamask Chainlink Functions accept ToS
  4. When you approve the ToS, a Metamask popup appears, and you are asked to approve the subscription creation:

    Chainlink Functions approve subscriptions creation Chainlink Functions subscription created
  5. After the subscription is created, you can fund it with LINK:

    Chainlink Functions subscription add funds
  6. After funding, you can add a consumer to it:

    Chainlink Functions subscription add consumer Chainlink Functions subscription add consumer
  7. After creation, you can fetch the details of your subscription:

    Chainlink Functions subscription details

Fund a Subscription

  1. Open your subscription details and click on Actions then click on Fund subscription:

    Chainlink Functions click fund
  2. Fund your subscription. For instance, 0.1 LINK:

    Chainlink Functions add fund to your subscription
  3. A Metamask popup appears, and you are asked to confirm the transaction. After you confirm the transaction, a confirmation screen appears:

    Chainlink Functions subscription funded

Add a consumer contract to a Subscription

  1. Open your subscription details and click on Add Consumer:

    Chainlink Functions add consumer
  2. Fill in the consumer address:

    Chainlink Functions provider consumer address
  3. A Metamask popup appears, and you are asked to confirm the transaction. After you confirm the transaction, a confirmation screen appears:

    Chainlink Functions consumer added

Remove a consumer contract from a Subscription

  1. Open your subscription details and click on the consumer you want to remove, then Remove Consumer:

    Chainlink Functions remove consumer
  2. A Metamask popup appears, and you are asked to confirm the transaction.

    Chainlink Functions confirm the removal of the consumer Chainlink Functions confirm the removal of the consumer in Metamask
  3. After you confirm the transaction, a confirmation screen appears:

    Chainlink Functions consumer removed

Cancel a Subscription

Note: You cannot cancel a subscription if there are in-flight requests. In-flight requests are requests that still need to be fulfilled.

  1. Open your subscription details, click on Actions, then Cancel subscription:

    Chainlink Functions cancel subscription
  2. Fill in the receiver address of the remaining funds:

    Chainlink Functions cancel subscription
  3. A Metamask popup appears, and you are asked to confirm the transaction.

    Chainlink Functions confirm the removal of the subscription Chainlink Functions confirm the removal of the subscription in Metamask
  4. After you confirm the transaction, a confirmation screen appears:

    Chainlink Functions subscription canceled

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