Register a Log Trigger Upkeep
Create powerful smart contracts that can use log data as both trigger and input. This guide explains how to create log-trigger upkeeps.
Register an Upkeep using the Chainlink Automation App
Click the Register New Upkeep button
Connect your wallet using the Connect Wallet choose a network. For a list of supported networks, see the Supported Blockchain Networks section. The Chainlink Automation App also lists the currently supported networks.
Select the log trigger
Provide the address of your Automation-compatible contract that you want to automate. Note this will need to follow the iLogAutomation interface. Following the interface ensures Automation nodes can interact with your contract as expected.
Provide the address of the contract that will be emitting the log If the contract is not validated you will need to provide the ABI.
Use the dropdown to select the triggering event. You can also provide one optional filter per any of the indexed events in the log, but you don't have to. When this combination of filters are matched the upkeep will trigger.
Complete the required details:
Upkeep name: This will be visible in the Chainlink Automation app.
Gas limit: This is the maximum amount of gas that your transaction requires to execute on chain. This limit cannot exceed the
value configured on the registry. -
Starting balance (LINK): Specify a LINK starting balance to fund your upkeep. See the LINK Token Contracts page to find the correct contract address and access faucets for testnet LINK. This field is required. You must have LINK before you can use the Chainlink Automation service.
Check data: Optional input field that you may use depending on whether you are using it in your contract.
Your email address: Optional email address that will be and is used to send you an email when your upkeep is underfunded.
Register upkeep
and confirm the transaction in MetaMask.
Your upkeeps will be displayed in your list of Active Upkeeps. You must monitor the balance of your upkeep. If the balance drops below the minimum balance, the Chainlink Automation Network will not perform the Upkeep. See Managing Upkeeps to learn how to manage your upkeeps.